Internet adresa:
https://www.jetbrains.com/Adresa kompanije:
Đorđa Stanojevića 12, Novi BeogradTelefon:
+381114501709Dodatne informacije
Software Development
Uža specijalnost :
JetBrains creates intelligent software development tools
Poslovanje sa inostranstvom:
Dodatne informacije :
JetBrains creates intelligent software development tools used by over 15 million professionals. Since 2000, we’ve built a product catalog that covers all stages of the software development cycle, including IDEs such as IntelliJ IDEA and PyCharm, and tools for CI/CD and collaboration.Visit our booth to learn more about the opportunities that JetBrains offers to students, such as JetBrains Academy courses, free educational licenses, and paid internships
Broj zaposlenih :
2000Procenat zaposlenih sa visokim i višim obrazovanjem:
N/APrakse u ponudi:
Learn more about JetBrains internships and subscribe to the internships newsletter at https://lp.jetbrains.com/internships-europe/
Broj otvorenih pozicija u kompaniji:
68Potreban obrazovni profil :
Software developers, Machine Learning Engineers, AI Engineers,QA EngineersZahtevani broj godina studija:
Bez posebnih zahtevaPoželjne dodatne veštine, znanja ili osobine :
Passion for JetBrains tools
Zahtevani nivo poznavanja stranih jezika :
Spoken and written English
Rad na računaru :
Radno iskustvo:
Not required
Posebni zahtevi :
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