
Internet adresa:


Adresa kompanije:

Španskih Boraca 1, Beograd



Dodatne informacije


Tech Industry

Uža specijalnost :

Game Development

Poslovanje sa inostranstvom:

Wargaming has 16 offices worldwide.

Dodatne informacije :

Wargaming is an award-winning online game developer and publisher. Operating since 1998, Wargaming has grown to become one of the leaders in the gaming industry with 16 offices around the world. Our flagship products include the free-to-play hits World of Tanks, World of Warships, and World of Tanks Blitz. Wargaming Belgrade studio was opened in 2022. and is already home to more than 800 international and local talent from a variety of development and publishing disciplines. The studio focuses on the World of Tanks and World of Warships franchises, providing key services and potential new product development.

Broj zaposlenih :


Procenat zaposlenih sa visokim i višim obrazovanjem:


Prakse u ponudi:

Wargaming is very dedicated to Early Career programs. We have various training courses and internships ranging from Art disciplines (Graphic Design, Web/UX Design, Visual Effects, and more) to more Technical (Data Analytics, Software Engineering, Maintenance, Quality Assurance, etc.) and even Marketing ones (Game LiveOperations, Social Media, Publishing Content Management). As a student or early career professional, you will have the opportunity to choose from a variety of internship programs and training courses across different locations. You can visit our page https://wgforge.wargaming.com/ to learn more.

Broj otvorenih pozicija u kompaniji:


Potreban obrazovni profil :


Zahtevani broj godina studija:

Bez posebnih zahteva

Poželjne dodatne veštine, znanja ili osobine :

Experience in playing our games is a plus.

Zahtevani nivo poznavanja stranih jezika :

Intermediate or higher level of English

Rad na računaru :


Radno iskustvo:

For our Early Career programs, previous experience is not required.

Posebni zahtevi :
